Hello! *waves through computer screen* My name is Emma, and I'm here to help you with your writing endeavors. (And try to find motivation for my own writing.)
A few facts about me: I am very enthusiastic about books, I absolutely love reading about character development, and I often wish I could write like L.M. Elliott, J.R.R Tolkien, or C.S. Lewis.(Apparently all the good authors have abbreviations for their first names.)
My interests include reading and writing (obviously), occasional photography, dressing up in historical garb, wishing I could travel in the TARDIS, and doing archery when I want to feel cool.
My accomplishments include occasionally wearing makeup, spending an insane amount of time over-analyzing, and not breaking down in tears whenever I try to edit my book.
I also love Star Wars, Marvel, Merlin, Doctor Who, the Chronicles of Narnia, Little Women, and Lord of the Rings.
My thoughts usually go something like this:
"Let's see... how about this character bites their fingernails when they're bored?"
"Speaking of which, I'm getting bored. Why is there nothing to do?"
"Write your story, you idiot. There's plenty for you to do."
"Yes, but... INSPIRATION!"
"Food is inspiring!"
"Stop thinking about food, you're going to get fat!"
"Ok, well, then think about Marvel."
"Ok, don't think about that... ummm, how about Mr. Darcy?"
"He is tolerable, but not nice enough to tempt me."
"How dare you say that about Mr. Darcy?! You must apologize!"
"I will not and I certainly never shall."
"Okay, fine! Now, where was I? Oh yes, daydreaming about Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan."
"I'm still hungry."
"Be quiet!"
"Did you just apologize to yourself?"
"Yes, you did."
"Do I have enough time to cry about Jyn and Cassian again?"
"I suppose."
"And Boromir's death?"
"Sure, why not?"
"And all the Merlin feels?"
"You know, why don't you just go do a math lesson and cry about that? Then you can actually be productive for once."
*Gasps* "How dare you?"
*Shrugs* "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help."
Anyway, this blog is a mishmash of things, mostly writing tips and advice, but sometimes just really sporadic posts about the most recent development in a fandom. It depends on the mood I'm in.
I hope my posts will inspire you to write that book or story of yours, and help you enjoy being an author and a writer. It's not always easy by any means, but if you love a creative challenge, writing would be the job for you!
So may the Force be with you, and Allons-y!
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